Friday, May 9, 2014


Hello again.
I realised my first post for this year was in march. So now i'm posting again for some update. Just so you know i'm not dead. Lol

Reading back the previous post, i have to say my 'relationship' with him went downhill. I dont know what happened, but we drifted apart again. This time on a completely new level. We were talking but we didnt say much. It was normal but sorta awkward. Or was it just me? I was trying to get over him, but how easy do you think it is to forget someone you meet everyday? And having to pretend everything is okay when all you wanted to do is slap him in his face with a chair because you hate him that much not because he did something wrong but because of how you are when he's around. And it kills me. I dont want to like him anymore. All i want is a peace of mind and a heart without any feelings towards him and without pain. Is that so much to ask for?

Other than that life is pretty okay. I had one time where i was totally depressed and the major contributing factor was him and i was in a bad shape, mood and time. But Alhamdulillah i got over it. I started tennis again and my mood improved significantly, and so does my shape lol.

Now i'm in block 4 and i havent started revising for finals. I tried but then i got sidetracked. Anyway lately i was always tired eventhough my days were not full. Maybe it's the weather.

I only have like 3 months left in India and then i'll be back in Malaysia for good, insyaAllah provided i pass my finals. I dont really know how i feel about it. Happy because i dont have to be so far from home. But sad because i know i'm never coming back to India again. You get accustomised to something so of course there's a part of your heart that get attached to it. So now we will enjoy our days in Manipal.

I think i'll stop now. I'm writing just so that when i log in again, i know how i felt about what happened. And it will bring nostalgia to myself.

Till then, toodles.

ndia :)