Monday, September 27, 2010

love.and beyond ;)

trying to write something but couldn't think of anything interesting.i know u would read my blog dear,sooner or later.and i'm writing because of u ;)

they say a picture says a thousand word.but a song describe the current feelings of mine.dedicated this song for muhammad hakimie bin wali.thanks for everything syg :)

You think I'm pretty
Without any make-up on
You think I'm funny
When I tell the puch line wrong
I know you get me
So I'll let my walls come down, down

Before you met me
I was a wreck
But things were kinda heavy
You brought me to life
Now every February
You'll be my valentine, valentine

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever

You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

We drove to Cali
And got drunk on the beach
Got a motel and
Built a fort out of sheets
I finally found you
My missing puzzle piece
I'm complete

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever

You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

I might get your heart racing
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

Let you put your hands on me
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
he is nadia's forever(hope so!)

Monday, September 20, 2010

keluhan sang pelajar

kenapa orang lain dah kalutkalut nak study tapi aku masih selamba badak tulis blog?kenapa orang lain dah bertungkuslumus buka buku tapi aku masih selamba badak buka laptop?kenapa orang lain dah bisingbising pasal exam tapi aku masih selamba badak tidur dalam kelas?

kadangkadang terlintas dalam fikiranku,aku masih di awangan.aku masih di khayalan.entah lah.realiti belum menimpa diriku?aku tak rasa macam aku pelajar kolej yang sepatutnya struggle untuk pergi oversea.aku masih dalam mood cuti.bila tengok orang lain sungguhsungguh memeras otak untuk belajar,rasa bersalah jugak.rasa nak belajar jugak.tapi aku sendiri tak tau nak belajar apa.terlampau banyak yang aku kena belajar.semakin aku belajar semakin aku tak tau.sebab tu aku tak belajar.

kadangkadang terlintas jugak di fikiranku untuk berubah.nak start belajar lar konon,nak start jogging tiaptiap petang lar konon,nak fokus dalam kelas lar konon.tapi bila benda tu semua aku nak buat?nak jogging?cuaca sekarang tengah musim hujan,tambahtambah pulak aku nak ganti puasa dulu.nak study?tadi dah cakap,terlampau banyak yang perlu distudykan sampai aku tak tau yang mana satu dulu nak start.

masalah aku,kalau time cikgu mengajar dan aku tak mengantuk,aku faham jer.tapi kalau dah dapat soalan tu,tambahtambah pulak soalan yang berputar belit macam jalan kat perak tu(no offense orang perak!) memang otak aku terus blur and blank.and then,satu lagi habit aku,aku faham setakat faham jer.kalau ada lar makhluk manamana tanya lebih detail or terlampau kreatif,memang aku takkan boleh jawab soalan tuh.aku pon tak tau apa nak jadi dengan aku nie.citacita tinggi,tapi belajar malas jugak.tu lar aku hairan,kenapa manamana aku pergi mesti ada je spekulasispekulasi tidak benar pasal aku.budak pandai lar,budak rajin lar,budak kaya lar.diorang nie tauw tak sebenarnya akulah raja segala malas?dah lar dalam kelas asyik tidur.entah apa nak jaddi dengan aku,aku sendiri tak pasti.

memang aku bertekad nak cuma untuk berubah.diri sendiri dah bagi pep talk.esok nak puasa walau apapun yang berlaku,of course,except for period lar.nak ganti puasa sampai habis.lepas tu boleh start jogging sentiasa.nak tau kenapa aku nak start jogging?sebab aku sedar yang aku nie sangatsangat unhealthy.makan banyak,tidur banyak tapi tak exercise.and that's why aku selalu mengantuk dalam kelas,sebab tak aktif.kan ada slogan badan sihat otak cergas?nie lar waktunya nak aplikasikan menatang haram tu!

dah lar,aku dah membebel dan mencarut.padahal nak tulis pasal benda lain.takpe, "hidup memang palat,tapi esok tetap ada" ;p

toodles bloggers

Saturday, September 18, 2010

the holidays

sorry bloggy for not keeping my promise.sorry for not writing in u when i arrived home.sorry for not writing in u about hari raya.

after 14 hours in the bus for the journey home, my father picked me up at the roadside and i had a quick sahur.after that,i got to sleep.when i woke up at 12noon, my father ajak me to go shopping.that's the only thing that worth remembering.

then the rest of the puasa is normal. woke up late, help mummy a little bit, do some homework, went to bazaar..i mean,it's not as exciting as i thought. maybe better than fasting at hostel because i don't have to get ready for sahur,just go eat and sleep back. i even meet up with my syg on puasa day.kurus puasa saya,aish.

the raya day??oh it's not worth remembering at all.the raya day wasn't as merry as i hope it would be.not many of my relatives were back and i don't even get a single cent on the 1st day of raya!how cruel are they?

the 2nd raya was my open house.i was so damn tired on that day!i had been working behind the scene since morning.and i think most of our guests were my friends,so i was the tireddest of syg came,but it wasn't really nice as meeting him outside because they were so many people at my home.ezzaq?of course he was there.keep on 'ejek'ing me in front of my syg.jahat!aa,jue jenab and syafa was there too.oh adani too!and i went to sha's house after that.and had a headache

the 3rd raya was the day that i went to my friends house.i went to pick up my syg and then we went to adani's house,after getting lost of course. then to syafa's house,then to ee's house.oh we went to syg's friend's house but he wasn't home anymore.and that was it.but i had so much fun :)

the 4th day was the day that my family went to che's house for sambut menantu event.well,i did some work.had fun?maybe.but i couldn't wait to get home because i wanted to go to teachear fauziawati's and mcjue's house.but we arrived home at 4pm,i had another headache and i didn't go to any other open houses,

the 5th raya,i celebrated it at the shopping malls.the day that syg bought bearie for so happy :) went to pcb but so many people that we didn't get out of the car.

the 6th raya i forgot what did i do?i know i didn't meet my syg that day because he went back to kampung and i?really couldn't remember anything on this day.

the 7th day.the final day at kelantan.went out with syg for the last time.went everywhere.feeling really really sad but i didn't cry,i don't know why.had a headache and went to his house to rest a little.hey,his brothers and sister were there okay?eat some raya cookies and drank syrup made my syg.haha.went home and cry :(

the 8th day was the journey to melaka with along and abang.sleep,headache,eat,pee ;p, and arrived ciknit's house safely.we stopped at cameron highland,it was so cool and cold!had fun of course.stopped at RnR perlis or perak?didn't remember but it was a nice stop because the place was fun.stopped at RnR seremban and bought some dunkin' donuts.ergh,the donuts tasted horrible.

the 9th raya was the journey to seremban.arrived at kms at 4pm.the first thing that crossed my mind when i get into my room was,weird.i didn't feel like coming home.i felt like arriving at a new place.*sigh*.only 2 people were already here on my floor.had dinner outside.sleep in early.

the 10th day?the last day of my holiday.the day i wrote this blog because i have nothing else to do.the day others will arrive.and the last day that i will smile.huh!

maybe that's all.toodles bloggers