Friday, December 30, 2011

luahan hati.

aku rasa post nie aku nak luahkan semua yang ada kat hati aku sekarang nie. memang pelik tadi baru post then nak post lagi tapi aku peduli apa.

aku bukak facebook tadi then nampak ada orang buat status then tag2 orang then ada orang komen. so dafuq yang aku nak marah gila nya adalah those are the people that used to be my friends and when i broke up with the stupidass ex-boyfriend of mine, how come he stole all my friends? and then aku yg lonely loser nya? fuck gila lar weyh. then aku pikir balik, fine kalau diorang betul kawan aku takde lar diorang nak kuar hangout segala bagai tak ajak aku, makna nya takde lar kawan sangat kan? sekarang aku rasa fuuuucccckkk gila.

i mean, what's wrong with me? kenapa aku selalu hilang kawan? apa salah yang aku buat haaaah??pernah aku rampas pakwe korang pernah?? pernah aku fucked up hidup korang pernah??sebenarnya aku tak kesah sangat diorang kuar tak ajak aku, i mean aku bukan gedik sangat nak kawan dengan diorang tapi diorang kuar dgn ex bf aku yg sbnr nya takde kaitan dgn dyorang tu pahal? eh gua tak kesah lar kalau lu nak kapel dgn dia skrg tapi like the fuuuuccckk! aku sekarang mmg rasa shitty habis lar, aku tak tau nak buat apa. aku tgh nangis tapi aku rasa nak mencarut je. aku mmg tak tau apa nak cakap.

ntah lar weyh. mmg aku nie loser yg forever alone kut. maybe ada lar kebaikan di sebalik setiap kejadian, i've think a few. macam diorang kuar ramai2 lelaki perempuan, dah berlaku ikhtilat yg tak perlu, so mungkin dosa dibuat. then aku tauw friends come and go, and aku rasa maybe diorang have to go sbb diorang tak membantu dalam proses pembaikan aku. aku kan nak berubah jadi baik, so i need good people surrounding me for this process to be successful.

still, aku rasa macam nak cakap kat diorang go to hell you all motherfuckers! haha. bitches got hurt.

aku dah rasa okay sket minum yakult layan2 9gag. haha
okay who cares if i'm a loser now? i will InsyaAllah be a successful person in the near future, amin.
that's all.

the best of 2011

Bismillahirraham nirrahim.
the third version of the best of! not much to write about but i'll try my best.

the best people

papa and mummy
okay the 1st one would still be my parents, but my dad in particular perhaps. that's because he's been very supportive towards my high-maintenance-bitch-attitude. haha just kidding LOL. but seriously, i've been a spoil brat and asked for several things and yeah he bought the things for me. examples are fossil watch, a huge luggage to go to India next year InsyaAllah, a new perfume and many more. i just want to say thanks and these things, how materialistic they seem, inspired me to study harder and try harder and just do my best for my IB and make them proud. while my mom, she's a mom. she took care of me and hell i've been sick (not literally like sick sick, but sick) and she took care of me. i don't know any other way to say it. she's just a great mom.

ashikin, adani, alyani.
why do they have the same initials? huh. anyway shikin featured in last year's best of if you remember and she still features in this year huray! haha. so these are my best friends from KMS. ashikin is from penang, alyani is from rawang and adani is from kelantan. well i will never admit she's a kelantanese because she's not but her home is in kelantan so, yeah she's a kelantan-stayer. haha. what makes them featured in this list is that they really rock. like ashikin, she's the top student and she helped me a lot in almost everything, be it academic related, boy related or fashion related stuff. alyani, she's with me in math and eng class so she suffered together with me, and that's what makes us close. and she is really nice too, like she will never be a bitch like me. then adani, need i say more? she's in kelantan so we can go out together, she's a little bit like me so sometimes she get on my nerves haha and she's like a reality check to me. i don't know, sometimes if my head is too high in the sky she will bring me right down onto earth. i just hope that we will stay friends even we go our own ways.

okay here's MD64 in general. i have to say they're becoming better! like the boys are more open now and that's great! the girls are still the girls, but i have to say, i think the drama part in high school, well i didn't experience that with MD64. so that's cool, like really cool.

the best moments

the dumping time
call me a bitch, but as far as i remember, that's the best moment in my life. the moment i'm free. the moment of happiness. i didn't even cry. of course i cried beforehand but that's not the point. the point is i didn't love him anymore and it's just not working out, and i dump him and i never regret that. yes i admit sometimes i think about getting back together but i never do it and for that, i praise myself. i'm really better off without him, seeing how he still didn't change after all this time. huh. now don't be an emo bitch, peace motherfucker.

bayai trips
so bayai is a place we go every saturday to do our cas project. i have to say i really like going to bayai. it's like the only time we get to forget KMS but still do things with the class, we get to help the kids. i used to hate kids and now i still hate them but little less every day HAHA. of course dramas occurred but looking back, that's what make it interesting. what else do we do in bayai? i remember the most memorable part was the majlis penutup where we camped at bayai for 3 days. it was tiring but somehow remarkable and amazing. what makes it wonderful was the fact that i spent time with people i love and care.

junior's registration day
why is this day one of the best moment? that's because i'm involve backstage! okay let's be clear, i was in charge for the fruit stall. the night before we sleep late preparing the fruits, like cutting, packaging and storing. and the next day i had a blast selling it because that's the time me and friends had a search out for potential hot juniors HAHA not kidding =.= and we had a guessing game how many juniors come free hair and will wear tudung and also another guessing game called who's the IB students. it was a hell lot of fun.

the study groups session
the second sem, the study group session was terrific because we played a lot. but for the third sem, the study group was still terrific because, well, we study a lot. can't say that really but during this time we study math, so i cherish these moments.

the hangouts
yes i hangout a lot, but not at kbmall. that's and the fact the people change, is the difference. i hangout at seremban 2, terminal 1, lake garden, taman malaysia, midvalley (once) and other places now. and the people? of course my friends from KMS. i didn't complain, they're part of me now.

the Big Bad Wolf Booksale
you know why this is like the most important moment in 2011? because it't the humongous book sale ever! and the books, which normally being sold at rm 35++, were being sold at rm8. like dafug? so i went with aqilah for the first time, abang pickup me up. and the best part was i bought books like crazy then we went to eat kenny rogers and i bought subway, which is my favourite now. the second time i went with aqilah (again), khairiah and fazlina. well faz went with me because she wanted to eat subway haha. but why is this thing important? the first time i went, was the day before my TOK oral. like a boss,i know. the second time we went? after math P2, still like a boss, i know. so that's why it's the best moment.

* you see how my life revolve around KMS and everything about it? it's like this is me now, and my old friends? i dont know, didn't spend much time with them anymore. i'm busy, they're busy. and my raya really sucks, cant blame anyone though. but ezzaq did came and he made my day :)

the best subjects
didn't change, still chem HL and math HL. but i can say for sem 3, i think i'm becoming smarter in math HL HAHA :p

so that's it i think. nothing much right?
nevertheless i still think 2011 is not bad. maybe the reason i had memory gap is because for sem 2, i was the junior then for sem 3, i am the senior. so there's like a huge different between these two sem and i seems to forget things. never mind.
2011 is not bad. brings me joy and happiness, and of course the tears. but that's what makes life memorable.

let's just wish 2012 brings many more joys and happiness to me! and wish for my best for IB final exam too! :)

19 year old ndia :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


hey bloggy, surprise that i wrote twice this month?
well better believe it because i will have to write once more for the best of 2011 post.
but as for today, i just want to tell you something that i realised just now.

i went out to meet two of my best friends to give them their birthday presents.we met, we had a drink and we talk. well actually they talk and i listen.
and i discovered that i've changed. that's good because i always change.
but i realised that what a mess they are. i dont know, i'm not saying i'm good and all that stuff, i used to be like them or even worse, but just listening to their stories i felt guilty.
they're my friends, i was supposed to help them find the right way, do the right thing.
i mean, i tried giving advises, but when you're friends for too long you laugh at anything your friends say even though they are being serious.
and then, i was grateful that i found my way and i feel stronger than ever to change to be a better person.

maybe that's my number one resolution. change to be a better person.

i think on new years day i will write about my 12 new year's resolution. 12 for 2012.
and before 2012 i will have to write about the best of 2011.
and i have no idea what to write about.
2011 just flew by me that i dont even remember anything good (exaggerate)
no but seriously. i think something is wrong with me.
i had fun but nothing major, its just normal fun.
of course maybe some favorite moments, but it will never be the same as the first post of 'the best of'.

you know that 2012 is approaching fast and i'm about to go back to college, but i still do nothing everyday.
i know its unsafe, unhealthy and the future me will curse at me now for wasting so much time but i just dont know what to do.
study? like i have the mood.
works? finished (i think).
chores? errr haha.

and to think that next year will be the last year of ib, i'm glad but at the same time scared. that means i will have to sit for my final exam aarrgghhh.

oh i just remember something. someone used to say my behavior is so ridiculous that no one can accept me. and my friend used to say that i play hard to get really hard, like really really hard to get.and maybe i didnt really know how to reply to flirts, but you guys know what? ''brick walls are there for other people, for those who dont want it badly enough''. and i held on to this saying. if anyone wants me, then it wouldnt matter if i'm ludicrous, hard to get, furious and all that stuff, they would try their best to get me and only then i will know they are sincere with their feelings.
i'm done dealing with flirts, once bitten twice shy. you thought that they would change when they meet you but you know what? they would change before they get you, and if they still havent change when you're together than they just didnt worth it.
i thought i had the heart of rocks, but i wouldnt risk myself falling in love with a flirt anymore.
okay i'm not saying i hate flirts, it's just a safety precaution for me. and anyway, i want to be a better person right? so i want to deal with good people.
though i own you a big apology. no scratch that i do not own you any apology you kiddo. deal with me.

i think i'm running out of ideas to say.
p/s: you featured in my dream last night. you must miss me then haha

ndia :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011


dah lama gila tak update blog kan?

sebenarnya niat bukak laptop nak update blog,
tapi blog walking jap,
layan youtube jap,
dah malas nak tulis.

tauw tak taun dpn last sem aku utk IB?
damn, takut gila doe.
tapi still boleh lepak chill kan?

petang tadi aku pasang langsir,
tangan aku ketar2.
bkn ptg td je, selalu lar jgk.
aku risau jgk kot,
sb kan movie love and other drug tu, Anne Hathaway umur 26 tahun tapi dah penyakit parkinson.
tapi tgk family history takde pulak yg ada parkinson,
so aku mcm tenang sket.
tapi mmg keturunan ketar2. haha

okay ptg tadi baru belajar macam mana nak buat ikan garam kunyit.
teruk gila perangai.
umur 19 baru belajar goreng ikan.
takpe, akan aku qadha'kan semuanya after habis IB nanti.
nak belajar masak betul2
nanti malu doe tak pandai masak

mak aku suruh study
i played too much
tapi cuti2 nie,
bosan tahap mana pon,
takde benda nak buat tahap mana pon,
takde tempat nak lepak macam mana sekali pon.
aku takkan rasa nak study punya laaar.
okay fine ada jgk buat homework math tu,
tapi malas gila doooee
aku bkn tak tau nak buat camner,
cuma malaaaaass.

okay cukup lar merapu.
baik aku makan toblerone
(takde kaitan haha)

eh wait,
skrg mmg trend kawen awal eh?

ndia :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

hello blog.

hey hello.
it's been a while.
and by a while, i mean a month maybe?
i dont know.
i've been busy, and i didnt have much to say.
so why bother to write when you have nothing to say?

but now, i'm inspired to post something.
just something about my life, which i can write, because nobody's going to read anyway.

so the good news first.
i scored perfectly in the last test.
which is perfect.
i'm happy, and proud, and thankful.
but i'm also nervous, it means that i have to work extra hard to keep up the good work.
and if i fail badly after this,
it will be a huge shame.
but nevermind, i'll work to keep making myself and everyone around me proud of me :)

so moving on.
about the domestic life.
nothing really.
his new gf called me last week,
to apologize.
apparently, i'm the pathetic loser.
like, what the hell.
come on, i dont even need him anymore.
and he went around telling people i still hope for him.
grow up, i have my own life.
which is complicated enough without u in it.

because i happened to like this man, who already has a gf.
okay, scratch that. a BOY.
not really a man, saying he's a man makes me look old.
oaky, so.
i kinda like him, i know it's wrong.
and i stopped, momentarily.
now it's back!
i think it started again when he started to be nice to me again.
we commented long in facebook,
then he wished me goodluck for my test.
i mean, every one else didnt do that.
it's sweet you know, even though he just mean it as a friend.
okay, it's nothing really.
but when i wishes his birthday,
he said thanks, and called me something that he shouldnt.
i dont know if he had the wrong number.
but who's counting?
then i realised that he always stare at me.
i mean, i know people stare at me.
i think i have an alien face,
but this..
i dont know, he always has this sweet smile when he looks at me.
and i realised that i've been waiting for him,
to comment something on facebook,
or to post on my wall,
or to text me.
whatever it is, it involve him. and me.
and i know this is so completely wrong,
about him having a girlfriend.
whom everyone knows about.
about me not wanting to be the third person.
about me knowing how it feels when your boyfriend cheats on you.
but what am i worrying about?
if he doesnt even like me?
the problem is, he's sending signals.
and my friends can see that.
but maybe that's how boys are.
they want to test their ego.
i think i'm the criminal here.
it's like i'm encouraging him to flirt with me.
and yes, i flirt with him sometimes.
when i feel like it.
i know, it's bad.
but i can't help it.
and now it's hurting me.
i mean, it's not a problem to him.
he's a boy.
he's made up of steel.
but me?
i'm made up of sand and paper.
can be crushed and torn apart.
and now i'm falling apart.
for some stupid reasons, right?
nevermind, i will let time heal everything.

then, there's this another boy.
his kinda cute, and yes he is cute actually.
i actually smile a lot whenever i see him.
but i cant lie, the hurt is still in there.
and about this boy?
i dont even know if he likes me.
or even knows me.
okay, exaggerate there.
he knows me, he always find a way to talk or smile to me.
that's good news right?
but i dont know.

i dont fucking know a thing right now.
maybe i should just focus on being a student.
and study hard.
so i can maintain my grades.

let's practice what we preach.
"forget everything and starts studying, nothing else matters"

ndia :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

hai assalamualaikum.

dah setahun aku duk kms..
klu waktu nie tahun lepas, aku update blog nak cakap pasal balik raya.
tahun nie tak rasa excited sangat pon..maybe sebab aku dah balik aitu.or maybe sb kerja byk sangat.or maybe sb aku dah biasa duk kms. or maybe sb ntah lar.
yang penting aku nak balik.

aku rindu lar blog. dah lama tak tulis.. tapi takde benda nak cakap.

tak pe lar..tu je.

oh ya, selamat menyempurnakan puasa tahun ini.
selamat berhari raya.
selamat menyiapkan tok essay, ee, ia business dan oral presentation. -.-"

ndia :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

bai bayai.

sebenarnya nak update pasal tido kat kampung bayai weekend lepas.
tapi bila dah bukak blog nie rasa malas lar pulak.

aktiviti, ntah lar..nak cakap menarik tak jugak.memang nmpk ktorg tak pandai buat majlis..majlis nampak kosong gila dan boring gila.

aktiviti petang2 tu macam okay lar kuut..tapi malam kebudayaan tu besh gila bila part main mercun..sumpah aku takkan lupa lar part tu..before nak main mercun tu ya Allah punyalah bosan..ramai jgk lar yg dah balik, naseb ktorg hard core tak reti2 nak balik rumah.. besh tauw main mercun, biar puasa pon tak lagi tapi ktorg advance.haha.

then part yg 2nd besh maybe senamrobik n sukaneka mcm ada aktiviti jgk lar.

ohh btw, aku suka gila round kmpg naik motor..dh lar petang tu lepas hujan, angin dia dingin n nyaman gila doe.. memang besh gila gila lar..

tido kat kampung pon besh..myb sb sejuk sgt, nyamuk pon tu subuh 7.30 kut.HAHA..

yg part lain2 tu aku tak tauw nak komen apa..agak boring kut.

kalau nak tny refleksi, ntah lar apa yg aku dpt. erat silaturrahim dgn bdk2 kms, dgn bdk2 kmpg..blaja sbnr nya aku mcm xdpt sgt objektif dyorg. myb aku dh kurang benci budak sket lar,aku mcm bleyh deal dgn bdk.and wlupon g kmpg dgn org yg aku suka, aku rasa mcm dh sedar sket..rasa suka tu dah kurang sket lar, sb aku dh nmpk kelemahan dia.eleh, lgpon dia not available lar.

so next next next weekend, tak payah dah pergi bayai..bleyh bgn lambat n g joli dekat jj.HAHA

video nie time main mercun..nampak tak clear sgt.tapi sume nie clear dlm memori aku ;)

gambar kat bawah nie gambar aku.shikin,anis,haiza dgn family angkat ktorg..anis n haiza spupu angkat kami.hahagambar kat bawah nie gmbr mak angkat aku n shikin, mak lela.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

quick post.

sepatutnya tulis semalam, tapi tak sempat tambah malas.
semalam best tau, kitorang main sorok2.

al kisah nya macam nie, kitorang nmpk wispi yg kunci tp tingkap buka, so ktorg masuk ikut tingkap..baru je buka lampu, ada mamat tu dtg ckp nanti guard dtg ktorg tutup lampu and nak kuar, tp nmpk guard tu dtg..terus sume tunduk and sembunyi..pak guard tu tunggu jap, bila dah lama tu dia blah and kitorang plan nak panjat kuar rupanya pak guard tu tgh tgk dari bawah..memang mula2 tu ingt mati r, xleyh kuar smpai pagi esok. then tiba2 pak guard tu ada hal, diorg msuk dlm rumah guard and ktorg apa lagiii,, panjat kuar and lari secepat mungkin..hahaha.

agak lama r ktorg duk sembunyi dlm gelap tu, evaluation diri tu byk jgk lar sempat buat..haha.

tu je lar update aku nak cakap.

oh hey by the way, aku rindu lar kau.aku nak start menggedik balik dengan kau ek? *wink*

Saturday, June 4, 2011

sesi meluah perasaan 2

bila aku tgk facebook kwn2 lama aku yg tak berapa nak rapat dgn aku, aku nmpk dyorg still rapat dgn gang masing masing.aku mcm agak jeles dan terkilan.sayu doe.

aku br sedar sebenarnya aku takde kawan. bukan aku loser, tapi ntah. kan mat salih ckp, fate controls who walks into your life, but you control who walk out of your life. and aku tauw aku byk biar orang kuar dari hidup aku. kawan2 masa darjah 6, mana dah ada.. kawan2 masa form 2, mana dah ada.. kawan2 masa form 5, mana dah ada.. okay tipu lar, mmg lar contact lg kdg2, tapi mana gang2 aku dlu? eh wait, aku ada gang ke??

aku perasan satu trend aku. bila ada big exam, aku akan abandon kwn aku untuk study.. sebab aku perasan, kawan aku biasanya tak leyh bawak study..akan nak borak2 dan bla2. ntah lar, maybe aku tak pandai pilih kawan.

but what about kawan2 yg baik tu? aku mmg tak pandai simpan kawan, aku rasa kawan2 aku boleh kira dgn jari je.. orang lain kat wall tu penuh dgn post dari kawan masing2, tapi aku?mana ada.. kadang2 memang sedih, orang kata hidup tanpa kawan ibarat mati tanpa saksi. is that true? ntah lar wey, benda dah lepas nak buat macam mana lagi..maybe lepas nie aku kena blaja keep in touch dengan kawan kawan aku.

tapiiiii, sebenarnya aku malas. i mean, okay they came for this part of your life. doesn't mean that they have to stay throughout your whole life. aku pernah dengar quote kawan akan hadir bila korang perlukan mereka, and bila korang dah settle, diorang akan blah secara sendiri.maybe korang tak sedar benda tu, tapi kadang2 aku sedar. so maybe sebab tu aku malas nak stay in touch. kadang2 tegur, tapi ntah. kadang2 kawan2 rapat aku pon akan ada kawan2 rapat lain, so aku macam ntah lar, malas nak kacau.

tapi kadang2 bila balik kelantan, aku takde kawan nak lepak. sedih sial. bila tengok wall orang lain penuh dengan 'wey bila balik jum lepak' aku macam kesian kat diri aku.. tapi padan muka sapa suruh hidup by the motto 'kau takde kawan pon takpe nanti kau nak pergi oversea bukan nak bawak kawan tu pon kau nak bwk ilmu yang kau belajar'.. tapi kan tapi kan, bila pikir balik, bukan sijil tu yang penting. tapi social life pon penting. kau bapak genius tapi nak cakap dengan manusia pon tak guna lar.

okay, so start bulan 7 nie, aku nak ubah cara hidup aku..aku nak banyakkan kawan dan nak usaha untuk keep that friendship. kenapa bulan 7? sebab a) tu start sem 3 kat kms, dan b) tu birthday aku ke 19. so aku akan cuba untuk berubah. let's hope i will succeed okay?

dah lar weyh.. dari kawan tiba2 rindu bekas pakwe pulak.



Thursday, June 2, 2011


yeah tomorrow is friday.
i'm singing the friday song today.
yes, its rebecca black's friday..

ok so tomorrow is friday, and its the last day of this sem. can u believe it? sem 2 is going to end, i'm becoming older. *sigh*.

anyway just a quick post. going out.

happy holiday bitches ;)

ndia :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

sesi meluah perasaan

so aku ada seminggu lagi nak cuti.memang tak sabar gila.tapi masalahnya minggu last nie exam.memang what the shit.tapi takpe takpe, susah susah dulu,senang kemudian.tapi aku rasa susah memanjang, tak pernah senang.haha.

okay2, aku sebenarnya nak cakap pasal benda lain.

lately aku rasa down jugak lar,tak tahu sebab exam atau sebab hormonal changes.haha. tapi yang penting memang aku rasa down. ala ala lagu jay sean tu ' baby are u down down down down down, doowwwn. dah cukup cukup nanti hujan aku dah lar tak mandi lagi.tengok dah mengarut.

okay back to our topic. aku rasa down. then aku akan isolate diri aku dari kawan2 rapat, kawan2 renggang tak pe lagi tauw. so sekarang kalau nak study pon, aku rasa macam malas nak study dengan diorang. nak makan pon macam nak makan dengan kawan renggang. nak jogging pon nak jogging sorang. pendek kata memang aku malas nak ada apa2 dengan kawan biasa aku lar. lepas tu muhasabah diri jap. aku rasa sejak kecik lagi aku macam nie. bila aku ada masalah dengan kawan, aku macam isolate diri aku., lepas tu lama2 hubungan kawan tu akan putus. masa darjah 6 pernah. masa form 3 pernah. masa form 5 pernah. tak kan sekarang aku nak buat macam tu lagi kan? tapi tu lar,aku pon tak tauw nak buat macam mana. memang kalau aku duduk dengan diorang sekarang, memang kena lar diorang dengan aku.aku nie bila bad mood mulut pedas gila, buat orang rasa nak tampar tampar je. tapi aku takut aku asingkan diri lama2, friendship nie putus. aku malas lar,dah lar populasi kat kolej aku nie sket. diorang pulak classmate,nanti jumpa hari2 untuk 2 sem lagi, lagipun aku nak try ubah diri aku, kan dah nak 19, kena lar matang sket. tapi sumpah aku rasa macam shit sekarang. sume orang aku rasa macam watlu.

minggu depan exam, tapi aku macam takde mood langsung nak study. dah lar math hl target 6 konon, padahal tak tauw pape. oh no apa nak jadi dengan nadia hazira yang dulunya kononya top student walaupun tak study nie? sekarang walaupun study aku still top, tapi top bottom. haha. tengok sewel sorang sorang kesian tak aku kesian tak? kesian kan?

okay enough mengarut.lagi aku nak cakap pasal apa? okay aku nak luahkan perasaan tak puas hati aku kat kolej nie.eee geramnye kenapa budak2 senior ib dah habis ib dah balik dan boleh lepak kat rumah sambil tengok kartun and shopping sampai letih nak mampus tapi aku still stuck kat sini terkial kial macam orang yang tak berapa betul lepas tu tulis blog sampai tak letak noktah nie?? lepas tu ada separuh senior a level dah balik kut, ntah lar aku tak keep track diorang nie tapi ada abang yang macam handsome tu dah tak de. so aku rasa mungkin ada yang dah balik. lepas tu bdk2 a level junior ada yang dah balik sebab paper diorang macam minggu depan baru ada. lepas tu yang tinggal nyer hanyalah budak2 ib batch 6 yang malang gila nie..oh yes satu lagi hal yang memang malang sangat2 sem depan kitorang kena pakai baju korporat or KEPARAT iaitu sejenis uniform seperti uniform kilang tapi kalau puan ZOL pakai nampak lawa tak nampak macam baju kilang. tapi KENAPA KITA KENA PAKAI BAJU UNIFORM APA KORANG INGAT KTORANG NI BUDAK SEKOLAH YANG TAK CUKUP UMUR LAGI KE HELLO KTORANG NAK KAWEN PON DAH BOLEH TAUW!! dah lar kena bayar, ngade2 gila lar kolej nie. habis duit aku je. lain lar kalau pakai baju tu cas hour terus penuh ee terus dapat a wl terus siap rela lar jugak aku pakai. nie tak de gunanya, nak jatuhkan maruah aku ada lar. lepas tu batch aku yang dah cukup malang nie bertambah malangnye apabila kena tukar nama batch. okay fine takde lar effect sangat dekat aku tapi memang ngade2 lar nak suruh tukar nama padahal benda nie takde hal pon. kalau dia nak suruh junior nanti bagi nama elok2 boleh jugak kitorang dah nak masuk sem3 dah nak berambus pon kut. lagi satu hal yang boleh buat aku mencarut sampai semua jenis binatang dalam hutan keluar dan semua jenis reproductive system aku sebut ialah kes pindah blok. aritu cakap tak boleh then jumpa warden suruh buat surat cakap boleh then warden lain cakap tak boleh last2 tak tauw apa2. ish memang kolej aku nie suma cakap macam keling. aitu nak buat outdoor camp pergi tasik banding nak main air pon cakap macam keling jugak. mula2 nak buat 3,4,5 jun, lepass tu nak extend sampai 6 jun, lepas tu nak postpone sampai buka sem depan, lepas tu nak postpone after 1 week bukak sem. last2 aku taknak pergi padan muka walhal padan muka aku.haha.

dah lar aku nie buang masa je baik aku mandi lepas tu pack baju kan minggu depan nak balik..okay tak tak aku pergi study sebab katanya roommate aku, "study and don't fucking fail this time"

adios amigos.

ndia :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

gila tak?

laaaaa,hidup lagi rupanya minah nie.HAHA

sebenarnya niat nak update blog dari 2 hari lepas,tapi tak sempat/tak ingat/malas/takde idea/banyak kerja dan bermacam2 alasan lagi hari nie baru nak update.

tapi kan,tapi kan, takde story mory pon nak update.haha

it's 4 in the morning and aku baru je habis blog walking..baca blog orang lain best. apa apa yang buang masa memang best!kadang kadang blog tu macam takde lar info sangat,psl diri sendiri banyak lar.tapi rasa best lar,ada some kind of satisfaction.ntah lar.

dah2,jangan membebel banyak.
meh sini aku nak update pasal hidup aku pulak.
kalau tengok dari sem 1 sampai sem 2, mmg aku byk evolve lar (mentang mentang tgh belajar evolution,haha). dlu aku mcm baik je, ckp pon tak byk. tapi skrg, mak aih! mmg aku sorang yang ckp dlm kelas tu (okay mmg tipu gila lar). tapi skrg aku bapak bising dlm kelas sampai semua orang kata aku gedik.sorry lar babe, memang gedik tu nickname aku.the thing is,masa high school aku mmg rapat dgn bdk laki,so kat sini aku mcm nak cari lar kawan laki.tapi kat sini ya Allah,punya lar kuat agama sampai ckp dgn bdk laki sikit pon org dh pndg2. FYI, aku bkn bdk sekolah agama ek..aku duk kolej mara seremban je kut,buat International Baccalaureate diploma. haa,nama penuh ib lagi aku bagi.haha..dah,balik topik asal pasal aku menggedik nie.ha ada sekali tu aku mcm perli2 lar budak laki,terus ada orang sound aku "ee gedik lar nadia nie"..aku macam wat lu, ikut aku lar nak gedik pon bukan balak dia aku nak gedik gedik dan bukan mamat tu minat dia tambah bukan aku minat mamat tu aku just kacau je kut classmate je kut tak de lar aku nak suka kat classmate sendiri macam takde pilihan lain padahal belambak lagi mamat mamat hensem kat kolej aku and kenapa aku cakap takde fullstop nie? tapi aku mcm ignore je lar kumen tak membangun dari org tu.

lepas tu aku kacau bdk laki lain pulak (mesti korang ingt aku ni pengacau habis,haha) lepas tu kena lagi!jelingan manja dari mata2 yang memandang.haha.

tapi sekarang,aku mcm dah malas nak layan.aku bkn pengalah,bukan aku segan sebab kena tegur apa tak.tapi mslh nye bdk2 laki nie poyo habis,aku nak kwn sket pon bajet aku suka dyorang.come on lar!aku tak de masa okay?

senang nak kata, sume aku buat sume orang nak kata.orang lain nie takde kerja lain ke asyik nak kata kat aku je?aku nie femes sangat ke apa?ala2 angelina jolie ke apa?

dah2,buat sakit hati layan benda nie.jum tuka topik.
tapi kan,tapi kan..the good thing psl benda nie nyer,aku dah mls nak lyn dyorg.and aku dah fokus to study (tipu lar,haha)..okay,tak lar study tapi at least kerja aku siap cepat.aku nie jenis yang suka buat kerja biar siap awal awal tau. (padahal ee and tok essay tak start lagi,aish).haa,aku dah lupa aku nak cakap apa.haha
psl study ke?aku rasa mcm byk kerja belajar balik terutamanya Math HL and Bio.. mesti cikgu addmath aku kat sekolah menengah dulu sedih tahu pelajar dia mcm nie sekarang.dulu kan,aku suka gila tice best!skrg aku mcm lembab (ke lembap?whatever) Math HL sb dia mcm kena creative gila lar nak solve satu soalan pulak,aku bkn bodoh ape..aku tak pandai tackle soalan. ke cikgu yang kedekut markah dengan aku?ntah lar.haha

pasal apa lagi ek?

dah dah lar..baik aku tido dari tulis blog nie.bukan ada orang nak baca pon.balik2 aku jugak bukak.haha

dah dah.tata

ndia :)
p/s:biar aku ada suka budak tu pon tapi tanak mengaku,
lgpon dah tak suka skrg nie.benci!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

welcome back.

hey,welcome back bloggie.

there's things that happened that i can't tell.
that i don't wanna tell.
there's things i'm trying to do,
or not to do.
there's things that made me delete this blog,
then undelete it.
then delete some part of it,
though it will always be part of me.
or maybe not.
there's thing i'm trying to prove,
trying to achieve,
trying to show to everyone.
some might notice it,
others would be ignorant.
there's thing that changed me,
that shape me,
that weaken me,
or even strengthen me.
there's always thing that make me laugh,
or smile.
there's thing that worth my time,
and thing that i'm better off without.
there's always things in my life,
whether it's good or bad,
mad or sad,
public or secret,
that i have to accept.
whatever things it is,
may i be blessed.

love, ndia.
p/s:i'm back with a little twist ;)