it's been so long, hadn't it?sorry lar wey,tak sempat.i've been so busy with school and exams and everything. when i got home, i got sick. and then my broadband went broke or was it because i haven't paid the bill? and sekarang baru boleh nak menaip.tu pon guna komputer rumah.tak best langsung keypad. *sigh*
anyway.happy december! i can't believe it's december already.i felt like it was yesterday my birthday. *sigh* and u know what this mean? it means that 2010 is becoming to an end! OMG. how fast time flies.
next entry i tulis the best of 2010. but this entry,i'll mix everything.
mula2 nak cakap pasal cuti. okay, cuti yang agak tak tau nak cakap apa. sebab mula2 sakit. lepas sembuh pon macam tak nak keluar. sebab hujan. entah. dah lar banyak jugak homework. i mean, bukan lar homework. but they are still works. and i have to do it before school reopen. urgh! agak agak kan, cikgu cikgu faham tak erti perkataan MALAS?
lepas tu cakap pasal my home sweet home.eeeee ;) sangat sangat sayang kelantan. tadi kan, i keluar lar dengan dye kan, pergi tesco kan. lepas tu kan, tesco dah ubah susunan. tersesat tau. haha. then, kami pergi kbmall. the best thing that i found out is, Brands Outlet had opened a branch right here in kbmall!!! i mean, i was practically jumping with excitement when i saw the store. i was dragging him to the store and i bought the cutest t-shirts ever. and he bought me a bracelet. thanks darling ;) oh ya, time shopping tadi, kbmall pasang lagu christmas tauw. and though i don't celebrate christmas, i can't help feeling all merry and jingly and happy. i love christmas because they have the biggest SALES ever! ;)
erm, cakap pasal sekolah boleh tak? i can't believe i miss KMS, already. i mean, it's only a week. come on! okay, i tak rindu nak wait, i rindu nak belajar ;) i rindu dining hall. i rindu my small and atap bocor bedroom! i rindu my friends. i rindu nak jogging. tau tak, kalau nak jogging kat kelantan, kena drive sampai taman tengku anis, dekat dekat rumah aa. tapi kalau kat seremban, keluar asrama je ada taman, siap boleh main buaian tanpa segan silu lagi! hehe.
lagi nak cakap pasal apa ek? i nak cakap pasal orang tu lar. nie semua gara gara membaca blog adinda jue. haha. bloggers dan bloggy tau tak? mesti tak tau kan? sebab tak sempat nak keluar berita baru nie. macam nie, kami dah bersama lebih setahun tau! i pon macam tak percaya. it's the longest relationship i ever had. and the sweetest. and the greatest. and the most challenging. basically the best ;) lately tak tau lar kalau kalau something changed, but i hope not his feelings, or mine. i mean, no one is perfect, but in a perfect relationship u don't need a perfect person, u need a person who can makes u perfect, right? ;) i loved u, still love u and will always love u :')
dah cukup cukup. jangan nak jiwang lebih lebih. buat malu je. nanti kalau i rajin, (tapi kalau malas pon still kena buat) i buat satu entry khas untuk 2010. err, nak membebel apa lagi ek? rasa nya dah cukup kut. nanti lain kali i tulis lagi ye, ye? jangan muncung muncung, buruk nampak ;p
toodles bloggers :))
*big big smiley today
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