Sunday, January 29, 2012

academic day

so last friday was the academic day for IB students.
it was the day that parents supposed to come and meet the teachers, talk about the kids progression and blablabla.
then my parents did came, and i was really thankful to them :)
it was nothing really, i'm not really bad in my studies so it was okay..
but after that, we went to Kuala Lumpur and stayed in some hotel.
then we went to shop a little.
it was fun because i miss my family.

and after the academic day i felt inspired to study harder for every subject.
i realized that i have to nail this IB final exam,
because i wanted it.
and my mom wanted that.

and i think that would be all for now.

oh yeah today is his birthday, so i wished him on facebook.
it was nothing, i can say that i'm really glad he's happy now.
even though at times i felt sorry for myself for not finding a replacement yet,
i remind myself that that was the reason i broke up with him.
to focus on my study and to avoid these stuffs.
and Allah is helping me through this.
i hope i will find my one true love when i'm marriage-able :)

so until next time,

ndia :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


okay, i know.
i'm going to talk about relationship today.
i had my fair share in relationship, so i think i know about relationship, a little maybe.

first, you need to know the type of relationship.
what kind of relationship do you have, the serious one, the messing around one, or a casual one.
for me, the messing around is the one where you are seriously messing around, like you don't really have true feelings towards them. and the casual one is like a casual relationship, where you don't take any vows to be together forever after laladida. and the serious one, of course, the one true love of you life.

then you need to know how to make the relationship work.
first thing first, like everyone said, honesty is the best policy. you need to be honest with your partner in everything and anything. i know some guys said that white lies are okay because they don't want their girls to make something out of nothing, but trust me. if you lied about small things, that will make us girls think you will lie about bigger stuffs. then, trust. if your partner do things you don't really like or anything that makes you think you can't trust them, STOP and think again. it is really worth it to start a scene? the third one is try.try to make it work, try to do fun things with your partner. when you think that you started to get bored with your partner, try to do new things. just don't stop trying. but if the feelings die, then it's time to let it go.

major mistakes we always do in relationship.
the most common mistakes girls do is become clingy. when you are in a relationship, it doesn't mean that you lose yourself. of course you want to do everything with your lovers, but come on, get a life. he doesn't need to be anywhere you are, you doesn't need his permission to do everything. then stop being whiny. it's cute sometimes, i know. but come on, even you will hate it if your friends do that to you. the third one is, become bossy. urgh this is the major mistake anyone can make. you are his girlfriend, not his mom. don't boss him around, that will totally turn him off. for guys, i think common error is becoming a jerk. now cool down, in front of his girlfriend, they will become sweet but in front of his friends, he will totally change. of course i don't say you have to be a sweetie pie but just don't be a jerk. treat your girlfriend nicely even in front of your buddies. then don't promise things that you know you don't want to do or you can't do. just say it, it will hurt her of course, but in short term, rather than let her hanging and then hurt her.

stories about MY relationship.
i think i learned love the hard way. i always think that. i found love and i threw it. then i find another love. until one day i found someone, who was quite a match for me. no, not a real match. but we both were messy. we kept playing with each others heart. we broke up and then we made up just so that we can broke up again. and i forgot who was the last to stop this, and the reason why we broke up for real. i regrets ever meeting him. because of him, i changed a lot. but i can't say i didn't learn anything from this relationship. i learn about myself, i learn about my attitude and behavior, and i learn to love myself. really he taught me things, and some things that i wished i hadn't learn. and after this guy, i met a really special guy that still touches my heart sometimes. i know no one is perfect, but he was so sweet and he was what any girl want, but any girl is not me. i know i hurt him a lot, and i know i didn't appreciate it, but what can i do when there wasn't any feelings anymore? i don't want to hurt him by keeping him hanging, and to see that he's happy now made me happy. and maybe that's real love is. and i don't say that he's an angel, he had his fair share in hurting me, and i think he hurt me like no one else ever done. maybe because i was really in love with him at that time. but long distance didn't work out for me, and i wasn't ready for any huge commitment, that's why i let him go. i learn that i become ridiculously ridiculous whenever i'm in a relationship, and i found out that i have some anger issue. but now that i'm 20, i learned my lesson. and i know next time i want to be in a relationship, i will try my best to keep my anger in check.

so i think that's all for now.
i gotta do some maths. until next time, toodles!!

ndia :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

sunway pyramid

so last saturday i went to sunway pyramid! all the way to subang jaya.
yeah a long journey, took us 2 hours to get to sunway but worth every minute of it.

i bought a new charles and keith purse! and now i'm feeling jittery on how do i tell mommy why i bought that purse. in my defense, my old purse is old, and kinda torn at the edges, and it's rm99 for charles and keith, so i think that's worth it? aaarggh, i don't know why i bought that,wait scratch that i know but now i'm feeling guilty because i was suppose to save. nevermind.
i'm here to tell you about my experience is ice skating.
oh my god it was sooooo much fun! like really really fun. like i want to go there everyday fun!
at first i was afraid because it was really slippery, but i looked at other ice-skaters and i thought to myself, i want to do that, so i let go and i tried. and then i skate slowly. anyone who saw me knows that i'm new, but who cares? i'm learning and i'm a fast learner, so proud of myself :)
while waiting.
like a boss!haha
then that's all i think. i think it's worth not going back home to go ice skating and trying new things. you know i like adventures, and really this has been fun.on the way home.

yeah did i mention that my legs hurt? like really really hurt? i think that's because i didn't warm up first, of whatever it is. and it still hurt until today, but doesn't matter. worth it.

so i think that's all. i have to save up and study!

until next time, toodles!

ndia :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

tabahkan hati, kuatkan semangat.

hai assalamualaikum.

ingat tak aku pernah cakap tiap bulan mesti ada je part yang aku rasa down and rasa nak nangis nak tido and balik rumah peluk teddy tak buat apa2?
dah datang balik dah rasa tuu.
sekarang aku rasa sangat penat. emosi dan fizikal penat.
aku rasa macam tenaga aku dah habis, habis sepenuh-penuhnya.
macam dah tak ada tenaga langsung dah nak buat kerja apa2.
okay fine aku tipu lar, tulis blog still ada energy kan?

tapi petang tadi, memang aku rasa sangat down.
aku macam tak ada mood, balik tu aku nak nangis tapi sebab tak solat asar lagi,
aku solat asar then aku buat chem.
tak sempat nak nangis.
aku nak balik rumah, tapi tiket dah habis.
sebenarnya aku tak usaha pon cari tiket, but still aku pasti tiket balik kelantan sold out.

lagipon, aku dah plan nak keluar sunway pyramid.
kalau tak keluar sekarang, bila lagi?
dah 2 tahun duk kms, paling jauh sampai pon KLCC, tu pon dengan ayah shikin.

so, tabahkan hati nadia. kuatkan semangat. cekalkan minda.
ingatlah, waktu kau berduka, ada yang lagi malang nasib nya
okay tak tau apa kaitan =.=''

aku rasa kan, sejak2 umur 20 nie, aku rasa diri aku lebih baik.
ntah lar, nak cakap dah tak mencarut langsung tu tak lar.
tapi aku macam tak berdendam dengan orang.
memang kutuk tu still kutuk,
tapi aku tak ambik revenge.
hati aku pon rasa lagi tenang kut.
bagus. i like this feeling.
aku just harap aku akan jadi baik not just for this year, tapi untuk sepanjang hidupku.

mungkin usia tu mematangkan aku,
mungkin azam tahun baru tu dilaksanakan tanpa disedari,
atau mungkin Dia memberi ketenangan kepadaku,
semata-mata Dia menyayangiku.

entah. dalam rasa sedih dan tidak berdaya,
aku rasa lebih aman.
wiser maybe?
stronger perhaps.
and nicer, still trying.

but it's good enough for me not to take revenge.
to apologize straight away.
to smile and moves on with life.

aku merapu apa aku pon tak tahu,
tapi yang pasti, walau kadang2 aku rasa down and nak marah sume,
hati aku sebenarnya tenang.
senang, ingat Allah pasti hati tenang.
ya, that's what i will do from now onward.
i will remember Him whenever i feel sad, bad, or mad.

isya' dah nak masuk, aku nak pergi surau.
till then, toodles!

ndia :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

luahan hati 2.

lately, rajin je aku tulis blog kan?
ntah lar weyh, banyak sgt kut benda yang terbuku dalam hati nie. haha

amazing that one day you can be friends with someone and the next day they are like totally your worst enemies ever. that's what happened recently.

nak cakap salah aku, ada lar jgk salah. but in my defense, i'm trying to do the right thing. and yani said i did the right thing. and yeah i handle it like a boss, not like some pussy HAHA.
tapi yang penting salah dia lar, tiba2 buat tak puas hati apa semua macam apa hal kau?

so that's the past. aku dah tak cakap apa, dia yang nak bising2 lagi lantak lar. nampak sangat still tak puas hati aku tak layan kebodohan kau tu.

aku pernah baca somewhere, never argue with stupid people because they will bring you down to their level of stupidity and of course they will win. that's totally right, sebab tu lar aku dah tak layan apa dia nak kata.

like come on lar, benda2 macam nie aku handle sejak umur 14 tahun kut. sekarang aku dah umur 20 tahun, aku dah tak main lar benda2 macam nie. aku dah tak kisah lar kau nak kata apa pon, aku dah matang okay. kau tu yang tak matang2 lagi nak gaduh buat lar cara orang dewasa, nie gaduh macam pompuan yang baru masuk high school. pffft.

and now aku dah cool. aku macam lantak kau lar dude, aku tak rugi apa pon kau nak gaduh2 dgn aku. aku dah tak layan kau, kau jangan nak bising2 datang cari aku jap lagi.
kalau berani datang cari aku lagi, memang nampak sangat kebodohan dan ketidakmatangan kau tu.

aku tulis nie dalam nada baik tau, tak marah langsung, kalau aku marah memang aku mencarut tak habis lar post nie, tapi tengok. baik je bunyi kan? haha

tu je lar nak cerita. aku sekarang banyak online banyak main lar, kerja tak jalan nie. salah nie.
dah lar, aku dah taknak update blog untuk bulan nie.

eh2 btw, aku rasa nak baliiiikk kelantan :((

xpe ndia, be strong. be strong.

till then, toodles.

Monday, January 16, 2012

when a boy's room become a girl's room

okay recently all the year 2 female students have to move to this boy's hostel called farabi. i actually like this block because it's the most strategic spot ever, like close to ds, to surau, and yeah that's pretty much everything. then when we first get this room, we were like, yeah it;s okay. not too messy, just the same stuff. i don't expect much from boys' rooms, i mean, we left our rooms messy too.
then we transform our room to that! okay it's just one part, there's another side, misu's side but she was there so i dont want to take her picture, so i only have one side!
the downside of this room is it's smelly, especially during night. but i cant really smell that, so it's okay.
what else happening this week? yeah the juniors move out to some place called beranang. heard it was cool, but it was 45 mins away, so poor them have to travel every morning and evening. lucky us. HAHA.
but kms become seriously creepy, especially during nights after isya's prayer. i don't even think people live in kms anymore. of course everything has their own advantages and disadvantages, i know.
what else?
butthurts. who cares if this is a vulgar word? i think this word is cool and i recently felt that way eventhough i'm not being pinned down in an argument. but the thing is, and i should really stop talking about this, is that the 'friends' of ours didn't even bother to offer any help when we were moving out. like, what the hell man? i thought we were friends, turn out we were only classmate huh.

but nevermind that, i succeeded transferring everything by my own, not really own but by our own, so yeah we are proud of our selves. who says we are not independent huh biatch?

damn, i thought my new years resolution was to curse less. but it's so cute i have to keep doing it haha

and yeah another damn. i thought i said i'm done with players, but fuck it. i might think he's cute. but what the hell, it doesn't mean anything because i dont know, i know it doesn't mean anything. it's just a simple crush. i don't look at him and know that he's the one, my one true love laladida. so no, he's just another guy who knocks on my heart, but i won't open it this time, that's for sure. but what's wrong with a little flirting right? haha

i'm done with ee, ia biz, wl and now all i have is tok. cny is this weekend, i planned on going out but there's only two of us, and i'm scared to travel far. its adani okay, not a guy.

dah sampai sini je adani menyibuk okay bye.