Hi. it's time for the year again. time to recollect our memories and write about it.
I have to be honest, i write this last minute and i don't really have any ideas so imma write spontaneously (like you could do that lol)
1- Holidays.
For the first time in my life, i traveled oversea with friends! that is exciting and i felt very matured. we went to hongkong and macau. i already wrote and post some pictures of the vacation, so no need to rewrite.
The end-of-term holidays were great because i fully maximize my holidays, unlike the midterm ones. i went all over places, eat and do things i wanna do and i dont really stay at home. i also revisited KMS and that's a point to remember.
2- Result.
My BDS first year result is sooo rewarding and made me, family and friends proud! i get invited to give talks, being interviewed for the school magazine and get to be onstage to get the awards. all the hardwork during the first year paid off and i enter the 2nd year with higher expectations from people :\
3- Scuba diving and snorkeling
I can finally tick off one of my to do list, scuba diving. it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and i am so glad to do this. the feeling to be underwater is amazing yet scary. i constantly have to remind myself to breathe and calm down. colourful creatures of the sea can be seen but what attracted us most was the polka dot eel, lol. it was awesome really.

4- Visit to Belgaum
First and maybe last time going to Belgaum to visit other half of md64. went to some river to do kayaking and swimming and picnic, and went to windmill site to take pictures. do a lot of catching up and went to eat the best apple pie in india. haha.
5- 21st Birthday
My first minute of becoming 21 was celebrated with watching movies with usrahmates- wahida and didi. then my friends came to wish birthday and eat cakes, and yani gave 'budak besar' to me. and that time you-know-how whatsapped to wish my birthday. the next day i went out celebrating with laundry usrah gang, dinie afiq and him. one of the few dates i had with him. and yeah he gave me a stress ball, the exact one i gave to dinie afiq on his birthday. irony isnt it? lol.
6- Raya haji and open houses.
Since we're now living in our own houses, in early days there were many open houses to attend. two of the biggest and most important open houses were the Raya Haji and BDS open house. held at husni's house. we get to get together, gotong royong and eat good food. how could i possibly forget this?
7- Puasa
First time to fast overseas. everyday we get to break our fast together in the hostel with free food, then perform the tarawih prayers. i had a tadarus group, where we recite the quran before maghrib and many times we cooked together and perform tarawih together. it was a memorable puasa. and luckily we had study leaves during fasting, so it wasnt really tiring. i cant remember how i studied in my room while fasting,but i survived! hooray!
8- BDS 4ever
My awesome batchmates! as we grew older, we get to know each other better and the ice is slowly broken. some of the events to remember was the trip to malpe beach to celebrate 2013 with malay batchmates, junior orientation where we perform dikir barat, open houses to malay and chinese houses and many more. may we become stronger together and all pass with flying colours.
writing this, i realized that it was a long year after all. many things happened, mostly good because i cant really recall bad memories (of course i can recall the ones that i fight with him, but nevermind that) and i am so blessed to be able to live this temporary yet mesmerizing life.
another year had passed and a new year is coming with a promise for a new beginning.
may the lessons learnt in this year make me grow stronger, and the memories created make me appreciate life better.
may 2014 brings more joy and tarbiyah to me. amiin.
goodbye 2013. hello 2014.
I have to be honest, i write this last minute and i don't really have any ideas so imma write spontaneously (like you could do that lol)
1- Holidays.
For the first time in my life, i traveled oversea with friends! that is exciting and i felt very matured. we went to hongkong and macau. i already wrote and post some pictures of the vacation, so no need to rewrite.
The end-of-term holidays were great because i fully maximize my holidays, unlike the midterm ones. i went all over places, eat and do things i wanna do and i dont really stay at home. i also revisited KMS and that's a point to remember.
2- Result.
My BDS first year result is sooo rewarding and made me, family and friends proud! i get invited to give talks, being interviewed for the school magazine and get to be onstage to get the awards. all the hardwork during the first year paid off and i enter the 2nd year with higher expectations from people :\
3- Scuba diving and snorkeling
I can finally tick off one of my to do list, scuba diving. it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and i am so glad to do this. the feeling to be underwater is amazing yet scary. i constantly have to remind myself to breathe and calm down. colourful creatures of the sea can be seen but what attracted us most was the polka dot eel, lol. it was awesome really.

4- Visit to Belgaum
First and maybe last time going to Belgaum to visit other half of md64. went to some river to do kayaking and swimming and picnic, and went to windmill site to take pictures. do a lot of catching up and went to eat the best apple pie in india. haha.
5- 21st Birthday

6- Raya haji and open houses.
Since we're now living in our own houses, in early days there were many open houses to attend. two of the biggest and most important open houses were the Raya Haji and BDS open house. held at husni's house. we get to get together, gotong royong and eat good food. how could i possibly forget this?
7- Puasa

8- BDS 4ever
My awesome batchmates! as we grew older, we get to know each other better and the ice is slowly broken. some of the events to remember was the trip to malpe beach to celebrate 2013 with malay batchmates, junior orientation where we perform dikir barat, open houses to malay and chinese houses and many more. may we become stronger together and all pass with flying colours.
writing this, i realized that it was a long year after all. many things happened, mostly good because i cant really recall bad memories (of course i can recall the ones that i fight with him, but nevermind that) and i am so blessed to be able to live this temporary yet mesmerizing life.
another year had passed and a new year is coming with a promise for a new beginning.
may the lessons learnt in this year make me grow stronger, and the memories created make me appreciate life better.
may 2014 brings more joy and tarbiyah to me. amiin.
goodbye 2013. hello 2014.
nadia :)