salam everyone.
first time aku nampak this picture is kat facebook. and all i can think is IB. i recently graduated, with 40 points you'alls. dapat rm200 lagi, trophy lagi. aku xamek gmbar pon trophy, nevermind. next time je lar.
so what i want to say is i did it. macam tak percaya yang aku memang dah betul2 habis this IB stage in my life. dah nak masuk university betul dah nie.
i really really wanted to thanks these few people that helped me went through IB (ceeh bajet nak bagi ucapan je)
1] Ashikin Thajuddin
siapa tak kenal shikin memang bukan budak KMS. haha. aku rasa aku dah tulis pasal shikin, even in my 1st sem kan? because she really really helped me in my studies. memang sometimes ada perselisihan, tapi biasalah, adat berkawan. sedih gila rasa sebab lepas nie dia pergi UK, so nak jumpa lagi tu tak tau bila :( i just pray the best for her.
2] Adani and 3] Alyani
dulu aku cakap adani is like my reality check kan? takde lar sgt. in fact, klu pergi shopping dgn dia lagi byk barang aku beli. haha. tapi aku rasa she's on of the best friend i ever found. like, bila aku tension2 pasal IB nie, aku selalu mengarut nak berhenti study kawen kat Thailand blablabla, dia mesti ada comforting words for me. this one mesej aku simpan, dia tulis 'kau nampak cun bila struggling time study. image orang study suits you well' hahaha terguling2 aku baca. but still, it lighten my mood. so thanks for that.
yanie pulak. well mmg dia one of the baik-est person i ever found. kalau aku nak nangis memang aku pergi kat dia, sebab..entah. it feels right. maybe dia ada sifat2 keibuan tu, that's why senang aku open up kat dia. and dia boleh bagi ceramah agama sket2, hik3. and out of all, yanie je yg akan pergi Manipal dgn aku, Adani pergi USM-KLE. so aku sedih jgk lar kejap lagi mesti renggang dgn Adani, but life goes on eh?
4] Mummy and Papa
well kalau bukan sebab diorang memang dah lama aku berhenti belajar and elope (walau takde calon haha). i am proud to be their daughter, so i want to make them proud being my parents. and i am thankful and grateful to be blessed with such a great pair of parents. kadang-kadang bila tengok kawan2, ada yg parents bercerai, ada yg kematian ayah/mak, ada yg parents tak support diorang, macam2. and waktu tu aku sangat2 bersyukur sebab aku still ada mak bapak yg sihat and take great care of me. maybe i don't always say this to them, but thanks a lot mummy and papa :')
know whats coming for me this sunday? my flight to India. dude, that's like 5 days away. am I ready for this? am I ready to start facing another set of challenges studying? am I ready to be somewhere else, somewhere far away from home? am I ready to make new friends? am I ready at all?
there's only one way to find out. be there.
in the mean time, aku tak buat apa-apa yang bermanfaat pon. macam mana lar nak jadi ready haha. tapi xpe, sediakan mental dan fizikal dulu. insyaAllah, kalau aku mampu menghadapi dugaan belajar IB, aku pasti mampu amek course dentistry nie. amiin.
dah lar. sampai sini dulu. nanti bila dah sampai manipal and ada internet connection, i'll update.
till then, toodles.
ndia :)